
Slot Example Vue

This page assumes you’ve already read the Components Basics.Read that first if you are new to components. Vue implements a content distribution API that’s modeled after the current Web Components spec draft, using the slot element to serve as distribution outlets for content.

  1. For example, let's say we wanted to populate a modal. Computed properties are the most important feature in Vue. Sure, scoped slots let you create some nice.
  2. Slots are especially useful when the component composition underneath the parent component isn't always the same. Take the following example where we have a page component. The content of the page could change based on whether that page displays e.g. An article, blog post or form.

# Calendar widget

Vue date pick can be used in calendar widget form.

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# Date format

Simple date picker with custom format (default is 'YYYY-MM-DD'):

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# Display format

Use display format prop when UI date format is different from raw data format.

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# Custom date parser

Vue date pick comes with simple date parser.If you need to work with complex date formats feel free to inject implementation of your choice.

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Slot-scope Vue Example

# Date time picker

Date picker with controls for hours and minutes:

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# Date time picker (AM/PM)

Date time picker with hours displayed using 12 hour clock:

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# Custom start period

Open calendar UI with custom start month / year period:

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# Custom content with slot

Replace default input controls with custom slot content:

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# Disabling dates

Set 'isDateDisabled' function as component prop to disable dates:

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# Disabling manual input

Manual user input can be disabled by setting input readonly attribute via 'inputAttributes' prop.

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# Disable editing and picker UI

Disable input editing and calendar UI by setting 'editable' prop to false.

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# Start week on Sunday

Sunday can be set as the first day of the week via 'startWeekOnSunday' prop.

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# Change selectable years

Dropdown for selecteble years can be customized via selectableYearRange prop(default value is 40 years from and after current year).

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Cupertino Pane for Vue 3

A Vue 3 Wrapper for Cupertino Library.

Actually kinda easy



The component just have one simple slot where you can easily put one or multiple components (by wrapping it in a template or wrap element like a div), doesn't have any special v-slots, any component or html element used will fallback into v-slot:default.


:drawerOptions ( optional )CupertinoSettings<v-cupertino :drawerOptions='yourSettingsObject'>The same as the Cupertinos Options; constraints you cannot override cupertino's callbacks even if you specified in the CupertinoSettings' Object
:entryAnimation ( optional )Boolean<v-cupertino :entryAnimation='Boolean'>Whether the drawer should present, destroy or hide with a smooth animation
:entryComponent ( optional )Component<v-cupertino :entryComponent='Component'>The component itself use slots, but I think it would be faster to toggle between component from scripts instead of using v-if also components remember their state because are wrapped by <keep-alive> tag
:isPresentBoolean<v-cupertino :entryComponent='Component'>Whether the component should be present or hide, when initialize; default: true


Note: Are the same hooks as the Cupertino pane but instead of camelCase are kebak-case and without the prefix on: @will-dismiss, @backdrop-tap...

@did-dismiss() => void
@will-dismiss() => void
@did-present() => cupertinoInstanceReturns: the cupertino instance inside the component when the drawer is already visible, this is useful when you need to have access to the instance once is visible
@will-present() => cupertinoInstanceReturns: the cupertino instance inside the component when the drawer will be visible, this is useful when you need to have access to the instance before is visible
@drag-start() => numberReturns: the property y from the method getBoundingClientRect() that belongs to the DOMRect
@drag() => numberReturns: the property y from the method getBoundingClientRect() that belongs to the DOMRect
@drag-end() => numberReturns: the property y from the method getBoundingClientRect() that belongs to the DOMRect
@backdrop-tap() => void
@transition-start() => void
@transition-end() => void

How to get access to the public method from the Cupertino Instance inside the component <v-cupertino />

There are actually three ways to get the instance from <v-cupertino /> component from its parent container:

  • refs
  • From the instance returned by @did-present event
  • From the instance returned by @will-present event

Getting the instance with refs

Sample code

Getting the instance from @did-present or @will-present event

Sample code

Slot Example Vue

Slot Example Vueling

Using public methods

Slot Example Vuelos

Here an overview of all the public methods

Slot Example Vue Bar

Using the refs example to access public methods
